80 Signs You’re an Alpha Male
Chicks will dig you. Boys will hate you. Men will want to do business with you. Fellow alphas will wanna grab a beer with you. Be sure to follow all these steps to becoming the ultimate alpha male. It’s not as hard as the movies make it to be, son.
- Ordering your steak rare
- Drinking eggs for a post workout shake
- Looking girls in the eyes and winking while finishing a set at the gym
- Not giving a fuck
- Spending hours in the gym and never being satisfied
- Self-reflecting/thinking about how to be better
- But also not giving a fuck
- Always making mom proud
- Helping parents move furniture: “I got this Mom, don’t worry, just sit down and relax.”
- Praying before bedtime
- Coming home from the gas station
- Crying when the baby is born
- Cracking open a cold one and not getting carried away
- Not updating your social media for years
- Having a 1000 day+ snapchat streak with every chick in your contacts
- Ending every text with a period
- Saying “Sup buddy” to any other alpha willing to approach you
- Respecting others’ leftovers in the fridge and then eating them when you’re hammered
- Maxing out chest every day at the gym
- Doing your homework 10 minutes before class
- Staying after class to hit on your teacher
- Letting the dishes dry themselves
- Avoiding the word “Cute” “Nice” or any sentence similar to “I agree, you’re right”
- Learning how to drive stick shift first
- Buying someone else’s team back in Warzone
- Making yourself available only one day out of every week or saying “Let me get back to you after I check my schedule/itinerary, thanks, buddy.”
- Not talking shit, especially about your ex
- Having dirty hands after a long day’s work
- Not wearing a mask in the car
- Avoiding Tik Toks like COVID-19
- Sparking Black & Milds with your buddy after a long shift at work
- Carrying all the groceries in one trip
- Avoiding brands such as: Supreme, Affliction, Gucci
- Leaving everyone on read except your Mom
- Playing hard to get with your buddy’s Mom
- Wearing polyester polos at the gym to save enough cotton for everyone else who needs a gym shirt at TJ Max/ (putting others before yourself!!)
- Not showering for a few days because you’re a fucking alpha and forgot to
- Listening to OG 2008 playlists you still have on your iPod 6th Generation Classic
- Walking slow/taking your time/not giving an absolute fuck
- Knowing your way around a grill/not being a pussy at cooking
- Working hard but hitting the gym harder
- Going to war/coming home from war
- Getting your hair cut “high and tight”
- Wearing the same Levi’s and flannel every day
- Eating MREs 3 times a day even after you’re home from war
- Always staying cool, calm, collected, never flustered, always busting people’s balls and staying on top of the conversation
- Avoiding any sort of piercings
- Getting a cross tattoo/saying Nickelback is still underrated
- Listening, letting others speak first, keeping your word
- Staying cool during games and stressful situations
- Shaking hands firmly/looking people in the eyes, especially when their zipper is down
- Putting your napkin on your lap then letting it drop on the floor and get dirty cause you don’t give a fuck
- “Big boy’s gotta big day tomorrow – let’s call it a night”/Going to bed at 9 PM/waking up at 5 AM
- Keeping your head down in the men’s locker room
- Always taking the last stall/urinal
- Never loosing sleep over shit that’s happened
- “Take a hike, pal.”
- “Great toss, buddy.”
- Caring about how the yard looks rather than how your hair looks
- “Sorry bro can’t hang, I’m catching a pump.”
- “Sorry baby, I’m already married to the gains.”
- Wearing croakies at every family event
- Slicing your banana in pieces before eating it
- Listening to Led Zeppelin, System of a Down, or some Kenny Chesney here and there
- Respecting waitresses but also leaving larger tips for the cuter ones
- Representing yourself in a lawsuit
- Avoiding using your turn signal unless there’s a cop nearby
- Speeding in residential areas/not stopping for animals crossing
- Icing your fraternity brothers in the library or gym
- Jaywalking and inching your way into the street when cars are zooming by/just not giving two fucks
- Smoking cigars slowly
- Always playing the black tees on any golf course
- Paying for your red Jeep Wrangler in cash
- Walking instead of driving/parking far to have a better parking spot away from other cars
- “Hot coffee, black, no cream”
- Always offering to catch the spider or get rid of bugs in the house
- Going back for 4ths at Thanksgiving/taking more food than you can eat
- Marking your golf ball on the green with a beer cap
- Peeing in the middle of the toilet instead of the side of the bowl to reduce noise (only betas do that)
- Taking a racquettball to the eye/golfball to the crotch/soccer ball to the gut and playing on like the fucking alpha you are
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