We Need To Talk

Let me start off by saying that this article is not going to be like the others. Some of you actually might even hate it because it is not as funny or basic. However, this is a topic and an issue that thrives amongst college students and often goes not talked about, or pushed under the rug. My name is Georgeanne Nigro, but everyone calls me Georgi. I am going to be a rising senior at my university and my college experience, in all honesty, has been complete shit. I spent my first two years with lawyers, in therapy up to 4 times a week, tutoring sessions to keep my grades up, psychiatrist meetings so I could get on medication, and still managing to get drunk almost every night. Now, this isn’t an invitation to my pity party. With a platform as big as this, I think it is time for a cultural change within all colleges. I was raped at 18 years old in my college dorm room on a Monday morning, and I was fully sober too. I will be 21 in a few months and all I can think about is how my life was drastically altered. The rape culture at colleges and universities is beyond disgusting I can’t even think of a word to describe it. What has happened to me will live with me forever, and knowing that this happens to millions of girls a year breaks my soul in half. The sad part about all of this is that a majority of college girls have experienced sexual assault in some sort of capacity. I bet all of the guys still reading this are bored already and if you do find this boring then I am sorry but you are part of the problem. Everyone on here probably just wants to read articles on alcohol poisoning and insane hazing stories for greek life, but this has been an elephant in the room for far too long. When asked to write about this, I truly did not know how to go about it. I am nowhere near the same person I was at 18 and I am grateful I was able to turn this tragedy into prosperity in regards to who I am as a person and how far I have come. I cannot say the same for other girls who have similar stories as me, and that is why I am writing this. I am not trying to be a Karen and be like “all frat boys are rapists” or whatever, because that is simply just not true. However, guys in college do not realize the severity of this and they need to. Their actions have consequences; everyone’s actions have consequences. Why try to have sex with a girl when she is clearly not into it and try to force yourself on her? In all honesty you look lonely and desperate when you do so and it is so unattractive, please stop. Sex is so much more enjoyable when both parties are involved. It is like that scene in the Wolf of Wall Street when Naomi and Jordan have sex for the last time and she is laying there annoyed as hell waiting for it to be over. How is that fun? I know she was not raped in that scene but she was clearly not into it (hence the divorce after). I think sex is one of those things that you just can’t force to happen. Sex is also something that needs to be openly discussed. If you are also one of those guys who are too uncomfortable to talk about sex or sexual assault issues, then please let me know when your balls drop and are ready to mature. Do you understand how much a girl would be so attracted to you if you were educated on sex, willing to talk about it, and you were anti-fraternity rape culture? She would be drooling. Not only would girls love that, they would feel so comfortable going to a frat party that promoting anti-rape culture and would respect the guys 100% more. This would make the frat parties much more fun, and girls would probably feel safer with those guys (and would most likely want to hook up with them 10x more). For the guys still here reading this, you are greatly appreciated. For the guys who still find this topic annoying to talk about, please go read a book or something, I don’t know but just get educated. Ignorance will get you nowhere I can promise you that. And if any girls are reading this, and if you have walked in the same shoes as me or even if you haven’t, I hope you all can agree that changes need to be made. But honestly, a fraternity without Chads that still thinks girls are objects is a dream I am dying to become a reality.