Make 500$ By Just Sitting on your couch wearing Pockies for a day

The easiest way you will ever make 500$
I’m not trying to backdoor you or fool you in any way when I say this… you can make 500$ from just sitting on your couch wearing Pockies for a day.
The American Standards of comfort are once again being analyzed and It is one hell of an opportunity to take the day off from work because not only are you getting paid 500$ to sit around and catch up on all of the Warzone you wanted to play but; at the same time you get 7 pairs of the most comfortable shorts that you are ever going to get.
The requirements for this job are extremely simple but they are unique.
- You have no ambition,
- can snooze an alarm up to 10 times
- are always late
- you have two butt cheeks
- keep it real at all times
- lack initiative
They’re not your fathers’ boxers. These things got pockets for all of your essential nicotine products and they’re big enough to comfortably hold your phone. Putting on pants is way too difficult when you’re hungover and you’re going to buy the Gatorade that may or may not come back up in the next 20 minutes. Pockies is going to change your entire perspective on how you weekend, quarantine, watch football, pretty much just about everything in your life is about to get a million times better thanks to Pockies.
What the hell are you waiting for?? Sign the hell up and see if you’re going to get the best job you’re ever going to have.