I Tried The Natty DADDY Lemonade and Here’s How It Went

Drink: Natty DADDY Lemonade
Appearance (10) __8__
FEEL: (10) __10__
FIRST SIP (15) __13__
CHUGABILITY (20) __19__
BEER BONG/ SHOTGUN (20) __19__
OVERALL (100) __92__
This 25oz 8% ALC./VOL. Malt Beverage with Natural Flavors of Lemonade is a nice summer sipper as well as a pre-game presence. When looking for a couple “Tall Boys,” instead of picking up a case or rack this may be your new best friend. Most of us at this point have dabbled into the seltzer game and for those who just want a beer but may not be there for the bloatedness it entails, I found your Natural Light golden ticket. It tastes like a nice childhood memory of drinking lemonade yet, in reality, is 8% alcohol and can be your new go-to under $3 drink of choice. It was a cool $2.59 at my closest gas station and with other drinks ranging from 5% to 12%, that taste like nothing or literal throwup, the refreshing lemonade taste and in between percentage is a nice balance especially for the price. Overall, simply go try it. It’s easy to sip, easy to chug, and a nice beer bong or shotgun does the trick too. Ranking this as a 92 for a good list of reasons and I strongly recommend you go see for yourself why. Is Natty Daddy Lemonade available in your area yet? Use their product locator to FIND NATTY Enjoy responsibly Please Recycle, -Big Koala |