Why Do We Torture Ourselves With Our Favorite Sports Teams?
I’m a die hard Eagles fan. For some reason the Eagles will affect my feelings more than any of my other sports teams. I don’t know why I have an unconditional love for this team. Maybe it’s because they only play once a week, or that the NFL is the most popular sports, or because the night they won the Super Bowl was one of the funniest nights I’ve ever had. That’s a story for a different blog.
Sports bring out the best and worst of people. If your team is winning you will be giving out hugs to random strangers. When mostly I rather shoot myself than be nice to random people. When the Warriors and Cavs played in one of the 4 finals they had, I was at a bar with random Warriors fans. I’m not a Warriors fan, but as a LeBron hater I was of course rooting for the Warriors. So when the Warriors won, guess who was handing out high fives like they were hotcakes? This guy.
If someone dares wear a road teams jersey to a game it’s socially acceptable to throw shit at them, and get into fights. And it’s all because how dare you root for a team that’s not mine? Sometimes people are even willing to fight fans that root for their own teams. If a fellow fan disagrees with you about your team, fists can fly.
Humans are the smartest beings in the entire world. We have created thousands of amazing things, but so help us god if our favorite sports teams are involved we go back to being animals. If the Eagles play at 1 in the afternoon and are dog shit my entire day is ruined. I pretend to be happy, but deep down I’m pissed. Playing on either Sunday night or Monday night is the best, I can go to bed afterwards and just be pissed in bed. My wife probably hates it as she’s trying to go to bed and I’m just mumbling that we shouldn’t have extended Wentz. Or how could Howie pass on both DK Metcalf, and Justin Jefferson?
Will I stop the torture and just not care about the Eagles, or the Knicks? Nope I will root for these shit teams until the day that I have a stroke when it’s 2050 and I’m screaming at the tv.
If you want to follow my torture and stay up to dates with my blogs you can follow me on twitter. https://twitter.com/MailmanDave3