How to Pick Up Girls at the Gym
- Chug 3 scoops of pre-workout and 100 grams of whey protein so your veins pop.
- Look a little tired and wet your hair for that “messy look” so girls perceive you as a hardworking male who just finished a hard day’s work at the barn.
- Don’t even wear gym clothes. Marines t-shirt & patched Levi jeans with grass stains.
- Wear your strongest cologne and find an isolated workout spot so girls sense you clear across the gym.
- Don’t be a creep, don’t stare, but shoot occasional glances in every mirror during supersets and grunt really loud.
- Girls will naturally start to gravitate towards your workout area once they realize you just don’t give a fuck and are way too self absorbed to notice anything other than your 20 inch biceps.
- Once they enter your zone, don’t look at them like you’re saving yourself until marriage.
- Keep lifting and grunting to catch their attention. It’s a successful mating call that works every time. Trust me bro.
- Run your hands through your hair between sets and lick your lips like you’re about to make out with your own reflection in the mirror.
- There should be about 3-4 women that are standing right next to your machine waiting for you to notice at this point. You have options. Lock eyes with one of them (all the other girls are gonna flip their hair and huff and puff in jealousy). Walk up and say, “Sup. You look a little lost. Can I help you? My name’s Chad.”
Works every fucking time. You’re welcome.